Stone Hill Blueberry Farm Operation

Blueberry production involves a lot of different things, one of the most important is a lot of very hard work. We start working on the blueberry bushes in the winter and late fall pruning the bushes. Early spring, continue pruning, mulching, fertilizing (natural soy meal), mowing and weed eating around the bushes. During the blueberry picking season we spend up to 12 hours a day, 7 days a week at the farm, making sure that the farm is in good shape when the u-pickers come. We check the farm to see where the ripest blueberries are and where the best picking is. When the picking season is over, it is back to pruning, mulching, preparing the bushes to survive the harsh winter weather and working to ensure the blueberry production for the following year is as good or better as the current year.

More Blueberry Production Factors

Bumble Bees are the main blueberry pollinator and will work in cool weather. Honey Bees and Mason bees work later after blossoms are fully open and the days are warmer. Native Honey Bees seem to be making a comeback in recent years.

Other production factors are last seasons bud set, (which impacts this years crop), winter kill and spring frosts. Older bushes are being replaced by newer varieties thoughout the patch.

See you in July!